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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Contact Information
Our main office is located on the Schnecksville campus in the Student Services Center, Room 126.  We also have appointments available at our Donley, Morgan and Jim Thorpe sites.  Please call 610 799-1895 or e-mail with questions or to schedule an appointment with the director.

Brian DeLong
Associate Dean of Student Development
610 799-1179 or 610 799-1895
SSC 126D – Main Campus

The Department of Community Standards is committed to providing all students with the best possible service and experience at Lehigh Carbon Community College. The primary function is to uphold the Code of Student Conduct; administer conduct procedures in support of the College’s mission and vision; and to maintain a positive learning community. Community Standards encourages equality, dignity and mutual respect for all members of the campus community. The department strives to inspire trust and confidence in the College’s rules, regulations and student conduct procedures.


  • Accountability
  • Learning
  • Fairness
  • Community
  • Collaboration


  • Provide leadership and support for the administration of an educational and developmentally based student conduct process.
  • Act as a resource and guide for students, faculty and staff who require information regarding the student conduct process.
  • Educate the campus community about student rights and responsibilities.
  • Support those adversely effected by student conduct.
  • Facilitate training opportunities for hearing panel members and those involved in the student conduct process.


StART is the local term for our online behavioral incident reporting system. The Director of Counseling and Community Standards is the administrator for this database. StART is utilized for online reporting of perceived violations of the Code of Student Conduct (Behavior Concern) or possible emotional and mental health concerns. In addition, there is a form for reporting of alleged violations of the Academic Honesty Policy (Academic Dishonesty) which are to be completed after the instructor has discussed the imposed violation and action with the student. The final form is for the reporting of injuries that take place during class (Course Related Injury). Please visit the StART FAQ section located in the MYLCCC Portal or contact our office if you have any questions.

StART also stands for Student Assessment & Response Team which is our behavioral intervention team.

  • If a student is in immediate crisis, contact Public Safety immediately!

Reporting Incidents

Faculty and staff who need to file a StART report for a behavior concern or academic dishonesty should visit the MYLCCC portal and click on StART which is found in the Launchpad. Next, click on the appropriate form. Students and other members of the campus community who need to file a concern about a student’s behavior may do so by completing the following online StART Report. (Academic Dishonesty reports may not be filed here). All reports are reviewed by the Director of Counseling and Community Standards.