
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (提前) for College Students

Some students may be eligible to apply for 提前 benefits. We provide answers to some frequently asked questions 和 additional information about applying.  



LCCC是公认的 宾夕法尼亚无饥饿校园 由宾夕法尼亚州教育部颁发. 我们提供校内食品分发计划, “美洲狮内阁”,致我们的学生, 工作人员, 和 faculty who 是 experiencing food insecurity or may need supplemental food options or personal c是 ithtems.  

通过 LCCC基金会和 统一的方式通过与 第二丰收食品银行, you can receive food ithtems once a  week to supplement your food supply. 所有访问都是免费和保密的. You do not need to provide any documentation of need, but will need to have an LCCC ID card 和 complete a declaration形式,可以在食品室买到. 


All members of the LCCC community 是 welcome to visit the cabinet once a week. Hours 是 subject to change each semester due to 工作人员 availability.


In addition to our 美洲狮橱柜食品储藏室, you can connect wi our community resources 和 basic needs specialist. Our specialist will actively assist you in connecting 和 navigating college resources 和 community agencies to secure the assistance. 



In addition to the 美洲狮橱柜食品储藏室, the following food resources 是 available to members of our community. 



LCCC KEYS (Keystone Education Yields Success)
LCCC KEYS is a grant funded educational program that allows qualified students to receive additional services 和 support while completing their degree at LCCC. 的se supports may include assistance wi books 和 supplies, 照顾孩子, 和运输. To be eligible for the LCCC密钥程序, you must be a 提前 or TANF 收件人. If you 是 not a 提前 or TANF 收件人 和 would like to apply you can do so at 指南针. 如果您是提前或TANF接受者, you should complete 和 submit the brief questionnaire on the LCCC密钥程序 webpage.

Child C是 Works Subsidized Child C是 Program
Child C是 Works Subsidized Child C是 Program is designed to enable low-income families to maintain employment while ensuring children receive high quality child c是. 的 Child C是 Works (CCW) program is a non-entitlement benefit made available through Federal 和 State funds.

儿童社区服务 offers two pre学校 options 领先优势和学前教育计数. 他们也有 早开始 program for infants to the age of three years

Office of Child Development 和 Early Learning 
找到早期学习资源 儿童社区服务 Early Learning Resource Center.

指南针托儿服务提供者搜索 can help wi finding a 照顾孩子 provider. 的 利哈伊山谷儿童中心 (LVCC) 提供早期教育和儿童保育. Visit the following organizations for additional information on funding: LVCC幼儿工场 和 LVCC Scholarship Fund.

利哈伊山谷儿童中心 提供早期教育和儿童保育. 以下链接有关于 LVCC幼儿工场 和 Lehigh Valley Children’s Centers Scholarship Fund.




了解更多信息, 请联系伊丽莎白·里维拉, 社区资源 和 Basic Needs Specialist, at erivera1@xfmlsp.comor 610-799-1087. 


探索 your options for paying for college through financial aid.


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LCCC offers services to help you thrive on campus 和 beyond.
